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DATE: July 26, 2021
UPDATED: July 26, 2021
Dear Families/Volunteers,
Over the past year, we have focused on keeping our families physical, mental, and emotional well-being. As we begin to move towards creating a new sense of normalcy, we are eagerly planning to have in-person camps this summer. The Laurel Foundation has been closely monitoring federal, state, county, and American Camp Association’s guidelines, as well as the guidelines from the campsites we will be utilizing this summer. All of our campsites are also accredited by the American Camp Association, and we are following the American Camp Association (ACA) Field Guide for safely returning back to camp. As you have been focused on your family’s safety over the past 16 months, their continued physical, mental, and emotional safety is our top priority! will be followed.
We have created protocols for summer camp, which will be updated regularly. As of July 26,, 2021*, the following protocols have been put into place to minimize the risk of COVID-19 and support a safe summer:
*As of May 19, 2021, we have a strict COVID Policy that we are requiring campers and volunteers to abide by. View Here.
COVID Protocols
The following is a list of standards we will adhere to for summer camp this year:
- All staff and volunteers will be vaccinated
- All staff and campers are encouraged to self-quarantine for 14 days prior to and during travel to camp
- All campers will be dropped off at the campsite to avoid being on a bus with a large number of people
- All campers and staff will take a COVID-19 test within 3 days of coming to camp
- Cabin groups will be kept at 9 or fewer campers and 2 staff members
- Cabin groups will be assigned supplies for their cabin only to limit the number of supplies that are shared
- Campers will be bunked with the heads of their beds alternated and only one camper per bunk bed set
- All cabins will remain together (in “pods”) for the week of camp. All activities will take place in the cabin “pod” groups. Cabin groups will not mix or break their bubble
- Everyone will wear masks at all times except when swimming, in the canoes, showering, eating and sleeping
- The dining hall will be kept at partial capacity, and meals will be served outdoors
- Limit the number of campers to 60% capacity
- Daily cleaning practices will be intensified in all areas including cabins, main spaces, door handles
- Water fountains will not be used – water will be refilled at a COVID safe station
- Inside spaces will be marked with social distancing signs
- Outside activities will be maximized
- All campers and staff will wear masks at all times
- An increased number of medical staff and mental health staff will be at camp
- Sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol will be available with every staff member, in each cabin, at each activity station, and in the main spaces.
- Campers will wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water between each station and before and after every meal
- Posting signs with reminders for covering coughs and sneezes, hand washing, and using sanitizer
- Counselors will do temperature and symptom checks every morning before campers leave their cabin area
- Rapid COVID-19 testing will be done by medical staff if any camper or staff member has a fever or shows any signs/symptoms
We ask that you help us protect the health of our campers and staff this summer. Anyone who is sick or was in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to the camp start date should contact us immediately so we can determine the next steps.
In the event that the federal, state or county guidelines do not make it possible for a residential camp experience this summer, we will explore other impactful programs that keep the camp spirit alive and thriving. Should alternative programming become necessary, we will inform our families and staff immediately.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE, that while we are taking every precaution to minimize the exposure of COVID-19, we cannot 100% eliminate the risk of COVID-19 at camp.
If you have any questions about our COVID protocols, please email us at our CEO, Margot Anderson.