Your monthly donations this past year has allowed The Laurel Foundation to provide free education and support programs to HUNDREDS of children, youth and families affected by HIV and AIDS. Its only thanks to dedicated donors like you that we are able to continue to provide support services to the at-risk youth we serve on a year-round basis.
Continue to make a life changing impact on children, youth and families affected by HIV/AIDS by renewing your sustaining donorship for 2016. Pledge your comitment today by choosing from the several options below or setting a custom amount by clicking here.
Bethany is a shining example of why The Laurel Foundation’s programs need to exist. Bethany’s father was born HIV+ and attended The Laurel Foundation’s programs when he was young. He lost his mother to AIDS when he was Bethany’s age.
Last year, Bethany’s father died and now she is growing up without a parent, just like her father did. Thankfully, Bethany has the support of The Laurel Foundation to help her navigate through the loss of her father and empower her to overcome the adversities of HIV/AIDS.
Bethany attended Summer Camp this year and she told her Aunt (her legal guardian) that camp was better than Disneyland!
Jasmine lives with her Grandmother who is HIV+ and has been attending camp since she was 6 years old. Camp Laurel has helped Jasmine to meet peers who encounter the same challenges and are going through the same thing as her. Through the support of the community she’s built through camp, she has been able to improve her self-confidence and self-esteem.
Camp Laurel has mental health professionals at each program that work with the kids, helping them to overcome depression and anxiety, and connecting them professional help when they return home.
When Simon first came to camp at the age of 10, he was very shy and insecure. Over the years with the support of his camp family, Simon has found his voice and has developed the self-confidence needed to be successful in both school and adult life.
This past summer, Simon participated in the Counselor in Training (CIT) program. Through the support of her counselors and the carefully designed CIT program, Simon was challenged to move outside of his comfort zones and grow as a leader. As a CIT, Simon has become a true leader and a role model to his fellow campers. Simon’s goal is to become a Camp Laurel counselor so he can help kids like him who need support to become strong leaders.
Sofia first came to Camp Laurel when she was 8 years old. Her mother is HIV+, and Sofia found out about her mother’s status just before she came to camp. Camp Laurel helped Sofia to sort through her feelings and meet other children who also had parents that were HIV+. Camp Laurel was the only place that Sofia felt safe to open up and talk about her mother and HIV. At school, she could not talk to her friends at all…she had a secret. At Camp Laurel she was free to be herself and not hide any feelings.
Sofia lives with her mother and little sister at the Salvation Army and looks forward to her time at Camp Laurel. A time to just get away from her stresses and have fun being a child.